Friday, September 24, 2010

A Good Egg

One can't underestimate the importance of a good egg.
I have heard the egg be used as a symbol for life, health, friends, and even an example of the holy trinity. But let's stay simple here. In cooking, it's a good place to start and it's a critical ingredient in many delicious recipes. But there is no replacement for the good ones. On the other hand, having bad one might leave a memory you wish you could forget. So when choosing an egg it is important to remember a few details: 1)Don't buy the recalled ones. 2)Find a local farmer or friend who raises pasture hens. 3)If you must buy eggs from the store, look for eggs that are fresh, all-natural, grain-fed. I like the Farmhouse eggs at wal-mart for best bang for your buck. Compared to the ones sold at local specialty shops, they are half the price and have a nice rich yolk.

There are many ways to have eggs. At our house they are eaten any time of day. I'm going to share a method for a soft-boiled egg. It's one of the favorites for the kids because they love to dip strips of toast in the creamy yolk.

Leave eggs out of the refrigerator so they come to room temperature. Boil water in a small sauce pan. Once the water is at a good boil, place the egg in the water with a spoon. Set timer for one minute. Once you hear the timer, turn off the heat and place a lid on the saucepan. Set timer for another 6 minutes. At the end of the time, remove the egg from the pan immediately and place in an egg cup. Swiftly tap the side of the egg with the edge of a spoon, then remove the top of the shell with a scoop of the spoon. This will reveal an egg with firm whites and a creamy yolk. Serve with slices of toast. Removing the remaining whites of the egg can be done by simply by gently scooping out with the spoon.


  1. Chyela and eggs - a perfect combination. Whenever I eat a deviled egg I can't help but think of you!

  2. I don't remember making deviled eggs for you Tom. I hope it was a tasty experience. Some people hate them. It's kind of like marmite....hey, now that's another nice thing to have with eggs.
